Why did my mom never think of this?
We would've loved talking to Santa every night at 6:00 p.m.!
Here's a way to remove stress in a "discreet" way!
Do you think people will get the hint if this is placed in the break room?
Who needs a fire extinguisher when a bottle of water does the trick?
Are you convinced of this one? This is one way to be frugal.
Talk about obnoxious!
I think O.C.D. would happen to anyone looking at this!
Option #1: Turn all the books the correct way.
Option #2: Walk out due to frustration.
Yes, Yes...enough said.
Don't remind me.
This one is the ringer!
What better way to remove yourself from a sticky situation!
Next time a stranger walks by me, I'm going to say "I'm hearing voices again"!