Thursday, January 31, 2013

Sticky Situations: A Bit of Humor

Who hasn't been in one of those awkward situations where all you can think of is how to get yourself out!  It gets to the point where you can't concentrate on the conversation, but only how to remove yourself from it.  Well, for a bit of humor today, we are going to address a few of those "sticky situations".  Maybe at a later point we will take this topic a bit more seriously.  But who doesn't need a good laugh today, right?

Why did my mom never think of this?
We would've loved talking to Santa every night at 6:00 p.m.!

Here's a way to remove stress in a "discreet" way!
Do you think people will get the hint if this is placed in the break room?

Who needs a fire extinguisher when a bottle of water does the trick?
Are you convinced of this one?  This is one way to be frugal.

Talk about obnoxious!
I think O.C.D. would happen to anyone looking at this!
Option #1: Turn all the books the correct way.
Option #2: Walk out due to frustration.

Yes, Yes...enough said.
Don't remind me.

This one is the ringer!
What better way to remove yourself from a sticky situation!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013



Oh no, Danielle is going to love this one. Mainly because I give her the hardest time about my photo being taken. Ok so I do not like having my photo taken. However I do not have Fotografizophobia, which is the "fear" of having my photo taken. It is just that I have only beautiful friends....huge dilemma right? Tell me about it! There is Michelle, who is a model, Krissy that looks ten years younger then she actually is, Melissa is the cute blonde, Heather is the tall babe with a wicked sense of humor, Rose who NEVER ages....seriously!?!..not fair, then there is Jessica who lights up a room when she enters, Katy, just call her tiny and sassy and let us not forget Danielle... Miss Hourglass!

Don't get me wrong I truly love my gal pals, and even the ones I did not mention are gorgeous, I am complete surrounded by pretty people.

Plain Janes apply here! hehehe

Well enough about the fabulous friends I have, this blog is more me and the other people who do not have graceful photo etiquette.

The short and sweet of it is, I don't like the way I photograph....but not many people do. I usually make a big stink about not being in the photo.....but I need to suck it up. Pride aside, photos are fun and loving memories. If people love you they want a photo and vice versa!

So please peeps, strike a pose and put on a happy face... after all there is always photoshop!!! WOOHOO!

Consider Me Inspired

Valentine's Day Printables: Sweetness and Love

Here are a few of our favorite St. Valentine's Day Printables!
Have Fun and Be Creative!

Credit: ten23 Designs

Pink Cotton Candy: Lotus Blossom Designs

Recently I won a giveaway!  One of the beautiful items included was this necklace from Lotus Blossom.  I have never considered myself a necklace girl, more earrings and bracelets, but every one in awhile a spectacular, fabulous, over the top necklace comes my way and this one definitely fits that criteria!

Love the shades of pink and gold!  
Reminds me of cotton candy!

A bit of sugar and spice and everything nice.

(Recipe is on the blog!)
I might need to make these for my daughter's 4th birthday!

Classic, sophisticated but saucy.
There's bit of 1950's vintage in this necklace. 
Shop at Lotus Blossom for fabulous jewelry pieces.

Thank you for this beautiful necklace!  

Naptime Review Blog Hop

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This is a link up designed for bloggers who want to increase their facebook likes
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Come back for Mom's Monday Mingle to link up your blog!

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***Please comment on facebook pages so we can make sure to RETURN follows.
Thank you!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Hoping for an early Spring!

Needing Warm Weather!

Ok, here is Wisconsin, the weather is looking a little...well....icky! Here is motivation to lose the bugle and get ready for swimsuit season! Only five more months! 

Loving fashion from all the decades!

1950 adorable swimsuits!

A great weekend dress! Especially to wear to a picnic or an outdoor festival.

Even the headwear is great!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Jewelry Cravings from the 1950s

With the return of 1950s fashions, we are loving these jewelry pieces!

Thanks to these beautiful women for fashion inspiration!

Audrey Hepburn

Elizabeth Taylor

Marilyn Monroe

Natalie Wood

Grace Kelly

Here are a few of our favorite cravings for reasonable prices!

Credit: Gingeroni1

Credit: Crave Jewels

Credit: Target

Credit: Glamour Pearl Earrings (ModCloth)

Credit: Ruche

Credit: denise5960

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Are You Busy? Or Are You Efficient?

Renoir: Dance at Bougival (1883)

Have you ever thought about this?  Are you a "busy" person or are you an "efficient" person?  Something to think about, right?  Life is full of moments where we just run, run, run and never stop to think about what we are doing.  We have become a society that can never say "no", everyone feels the pressure to have it all, do it all, but at what cost?  The cost of advancing in our careers?  The cost of our morals and traditions?  Or most importantly at the cost of families, relatives and close friends?

Life has become the ultimate competition, but unfortunately very few people understand the prize.  We work and slave to be the best at everything, to be known for everything, to attain the highest achievements and to reach the ultimate goals, but for what?  Why is it absolutely necessary to be the BEST at everything?  If you think back centuries ago, people were not motivated to be the best at everything, they were motivated to be the best in their specific area of expertise.  We no longer have top-notch writers like Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Alexandre Dumas or Mark Twain.  We now have writers who just want to be known and recognized.  Not necessarily known for amazing literature, but solely to make their name a "household name" and have those 15 minutes of fame.  And where does that take you in the end if your writings won't surpass the test of time?  What about the great artists, the Rembrandts, the Caravaggios, the Vermeers or the O'Keefes?  Yes, we have a few reputable artists currently, but I bet you can't name more than five who will make it to the future art history courses.  Believe me, I'm not saying we don't have any artistic or literary talent, because that is not the case.  My only point is that not many people are satisfied at being the best solely in our areas of talent.  We are drawn, pulled and almost dragged into becoming machines of excess.

Credit: Inspire Me

So all this rambling does lead leads to my original question.  Are you a "busy" person or are you an "efficient" person?  Are the activities, decisions, dreams, goals and achievements in your life a result of working to become a better person, to further the love and growth of your family or career?  Or are your actions solely reliant upon achieving a societal expectation that is completely unrealistic and almost detrimental to our well-being as individuals?

Here is my challenge presented before you.  Begin to Question.  It's not a bad thing to stop and meditate upon our lives, our motives, our achievements and of course future goals.  Have you become the person you dreamed?  Stop being cynical, try for optimism instead!  Do you love what you see in the mirror each morning, or are you upset with your behaviors, intentions and priorities?  If you are searching in life, this is the place to start, with YOURSELF!  Without changing yourself, it is impossible to change others.

Credit: Life

Make yourself an "efficient" person.  Love your passions, your dreams and your intentions and above all love life and those around you!  Stop being a "busy" person.  If you don't find a certain activity worth your time or attributing to your life in a solid good or healthy way, then drop it!  It isn't worth your time just to fill up your schedule because everyone else does!

All this rambling leads to a final point: life shouldn't be a complete void of empty activities or goals that don't lead you to where you are going.  Life is about becoming truly fabulous at what you were born to do.  This may take time, days, weeks or even years to comprehend your worth but it will happen and that will be the moment when you will be grateful you didn't waste your time being a "busy" person instead of being an "efficient" person.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Five Acts of Random Kindness for Today and Everyday!

Five Acts of Random Kindness to do today!

1. Smile all day long. Smiling does confuse people but in a good way.

2. Surprise someone with a cup of yummy coffee. Everyone loves Caffeine!

3. Send a random note to a friend reminding of a funny memory you had together.

4. Leave a note, saying "you are doing great"on a strangers windshield.

5. Tell someone that you are praying for them, you will leave them astonished.  

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

St. Valentine's Day Less Than A Month Away!

St. Valentine's Day less than a month away!

Fun things to prepare for Valentine's day!

Take an old time photos with your love. Makes for a great memory!

Heart Shaped cupcakes!

Speaking the truth!