
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Valentine's Day Party: Spoonful of Imagination

We were so thrilled to be a part of the Valentine Blogging Party!  And we got partnered up with one of the sweetest women ever, Erica!  She is a mother of three and a beautiful wife who writes an amazing blog that has fabulous DIY projects, life stories and of course lots of creativity.  So you're asking what is the name of the blog so you can visit it ASAP?  It's a Spoonful of Imagination!  
Check out her etsy store, Dancing Zebras Art!
Katrina and I want to give a huge shout out to Erica, "THANK YOU SO MUCH".  We love each and every item she sent us, wow were we spoiled with these goodies!  She went above and beyond by getting each of us gifts, two of everything!  What a generous person!  Happy Valentine's Day!
We wanted to share a few of our favorite posts on a Spoonful of Imagination:
Valentine's Day Mantel
I am 1 of 9
DIY Rope Balls
The Beginning of Change
The Way I Thrift
Girl's Craft Night
Here are photos of the fabulous goodies we received!  Thank you, Erica!
It's great making new friends!

So grateful for this little notebook!

Using my new mug!  LOVE!

Aren't these the best gifts ever!
Thanks again, Erica!

Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. What a thoughtful gift! Those earrings are wonderful!
    With Luck

  2. I'm older than you and I certainly do remember a time when men were courteous and opened car doors for me. Now I open car doors for my grandchildren. ha ha

    That is an era gone by, I'm afraid and not coming back, either. I could get a little nostalgic about this but I'm not going to. :)

    Hope you have a nice week. I have a party going on What to Do Weekends. It goes up around 7. I sure hope you can share this over at my blog. Following you on blogloving and facebook. Linda

  3. What a great blog! I'm your newest follower from the blog hop!
    Monica Platz
    Monica's Rants, Raves & Reviews
