
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Resolutions? What Resolutions?

So..... how are those New Year Resolutions going?

Not so good, right? Don't worry you are not alone I am struggling too. The whole losing weight thing is soooo much one ever said! 

Saw this and I got annoyed, because it is the truth!
Healthily snack for the kiddos! or for mommy!

Adorable idea for kids, I wonder if it healthier than a real cupcake?

Made them this morning, feeling healthy and satisfied!  


  1. the only resolution i made this year was to be awesome-er. and i think i'm achieving that :). That's because all the other stuff i would've failed at ... miserably! good luck with your goals

    Stopping by from the GYB blog hop!

    Trish @ Tales from ...

  2. More power to you girl! Having healthy and tasty foods that you can easily make has a lot of affect on being able to maintain a healthy life style doesn't it?

  3. Now they look like some mummy treats!!! I am Margaret from the Blog hop hoping that we can connect. My blog is about healthy living....something for everyone, you can find me at, I am following you, looking to connect.

  4. Hello there! Thanks for stopping by and following. I'm following you back :)

    Anne {The Pink Momma}
