
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Your Personal Investment: Generosity

Do you view your life as a personal investment?  Well you should!  Unfortunately, people take this too far.  Life should not just be about what you put in versus how much you receive back.  Some of the best rewards are for those unseen acts!  Now you ask, what rewards?  Unfortunately, everything is viewed on a monetary level, instead of through a heart of charity, kindness, forgiveness and generosity.

Instead of always investing in yourself, invest in others!  Have some faith!  Life isn't about always seeing a reward, it's about a life long mission of love.  And no, not a love only for yourself!  A love for others through generosity!

What is generosity?  "It is the habit of giving without expecting anything in return. It can involve offering time, assets or talents to aid someone in need. Often equated with charity as a virtue, generosity is widely accepted in society as a desirable trait." Taken from Wikipedia

We know, we know, it's hard to always give and never receive anything in return, but isn't that what unconditional love is all about?

Do you have a friend in need?  Stop by with a cup of coffee to encourage a heart to heart talk.

Is your neighbor struggling to pay their bills?  Make them a meal to help relieve a little bit of stress.

Does your child need some quality time?  Take them to go see the Christmas lights.

Whatever the reason, generosity should be a top priority in everyone's life.  
It doesn't only mean being generous with your money, but generous with your time!

friday favorite things | finding joy

1 comment:

  1. beautiful post and so perfect in this season of giving and getting.

    Thank you so very much for joining us for An Aloha Affair last week. How sweet it was to end the month together.

    Our beautiful December team has gathered and we are so excited to invite you to join us for... An Aloha Affair. Come mingle and grow with us, you are always welcome. Always.

