
Monday, December 17, 2012

The Initial Perception is Often Critical: IPO

We all know that First Impressions Count!  But how much?  Oh, much more than you think!

The initial perception is often the most critical part of a work meeting, a date, a charity event, etc.  Whether we like it or not, people judge based on that first impression.  Everyone does it, so don't get upset when we say it!

Enjoy your Morning Coffee!

Now, what do we judge?  Well, as women, we judge everything and everyone!  Don't get us wrong, judging someone doesn't have to be mean or uncharitable, it is human nature to form an opinion.  Everything from the head to the shoes, their personality, their behavior, we even concentrate on their words (how do they speak or respond to certain things).  All this being said, what is one to do?  Be on your best behavior and always have your best foot forward.  This sounds simple, but it does take a conscience effort.

Welcome to a world where people don't care what others think of them, a world where everyone wants to be an individual but unfortunately they end up being part of the crowd...  Unless you prefer to blend in, give yourself the opportunity to be independent, unique and fabulous!

Put Your Best Foot Forward In a Fabulous Pair of Heels!

Now, how do you put forward a great first impression?  Don't focus on your flaws and don't worry about them, use them to your advantage!  Try to fix them, it's your daily challenge.  Love who you are, life is what you make of it!  So, make every attempt to take of yourself, whether that means having a manicure once every few months, or getting a new hair cute, or even putting aside the time to sit each morning with a cup of coffee and an inspirational book.  Use each day as a new day!

Fun times with Fabulous Girls!

After putting aside moments to rejuvenate yourself, take the time each morning to get ready for the day.  Whether this means choosing your clothes the night before because you are extremely busy in the morning (this doesn't include sweat-pants and a t-shirt) or spending a few seconds applying your makeup while the children eat breakfast.  This is plain and simple, FIND TIME FOR YOURSELF!

We guarantee that it isn't easy to find this time, but if you make it your daily routine, a good habit, you will never leave the house without putting your best foot forward!  And as you know, that initial perception is often critical: I.PO.!


  1. It's so great to find some new blogs to check out. I am your newest GFC follower. If you have a moment and would like to, you can visit me here The Things We Find Inside

  2. What a very true post! Even if we don't like it, first impressions matter so much because few people will take the time to get to know the "real" you if you don't make at least a decent first impression. I think you're so right about taking time in the morning to get ready and put your best foot forward, not just because others will judge you on it, but because it makes you feel better!! :) Thank you for stopping by my blog. Following you back!!


    What Jean Likes

  3. HEY! Just "liked" your page on FB!!! I'm Danavee @ This Vintage Grove! Thanks for dropping by my FB earlier!

  4. Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Great blog!
    Have a nice day!
