
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Diamonds v. Pearls

Diamonds v. Pearls

Really people, is this even a fair contest?

Ok so, I get pearls are classic, but one wears pearls to Church, PTA meetings and with sweater sets. Diamonds are wore with evening gowns, on dates or with nothing at all...wink wink! Diamonds come in all shapes, sizes and even colors, while pearls are round and white...booorrring!

Answer me this, Marilyn Monroe sings "Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend," in"Gentlemen prefer Blondes" while she is surround by dapper men and thousands of diamonds, is this a bad thing? Also where is the famous song about pearls?

Alright, so pearls were worn by Audrey Hepburn and she is quite the icon, but diamonds were wore by Elizabeth Taylor, Rita Hayworth, Sophia Loren and EVERY MARRIED WOMAN IN THE WORLD is more than likely to be wearing a diamond!

When a man gives a woman pearls people think, how sweet or how lovely. When a man gives a woman a diamond people think, what love, what excitement or what did she do to get it! Sassy!

Wars have been fought over for diamonds. Question.... Grandma wants you to give you her pearls or her diamonds.....what do you choose?
Marilyn Monroe
"I never worry about diets. The only carrots that interest me are the number you get in a diamond.” 

“Big girls need big diamonds.” 

“A diamond is a chunk of coal that is made good under pressure.” 

~ Henry Kissinger 

"Let us not be too particular. It is better to have old second-hand diamonds than none at all."
Famous Quotation ~Mark Twain

"Diamonds never leave you... men do!"
~Shirley Bassey

To this day, Katrina and I can't agree upon the argument of Diamonds v. Pearls!  O.K., I know, diamonds are amazing and I wouldn't exchange my diamond engagement ring and wedding band for anything!  But there's something amazing about receiving your first set of pearls from your husband after several years of marriage!  It has a level of classic sophistication.  So what is your preference?  Diamonds or Pearls?  Or Both?  

"I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or wonderful or exciting happpens, but just those that bring simple little pleasures, following one another softly, like pearls off a string." ~Unknown
"A woman needs ropes and ropes of pearls." ~Coco Chanel
"Pearls are always appropriate." ~Jackie Kennedy
" I feel underdressed if I don't have my pearls on.  My pearls are my security blanket" ~Lady Sarah Churchill
"You can't ever go wrong with pearls.  Perhaps pearls are a girls best friend after all." ~Ki Hackney

Diamonds and Pearls!
"Diamonds are nice and so are pearls, but there's nothing like us pretty girls." ~Unknown
"Ooh baby, the day you stepped into my world, you noticed I'm the type of girl who loves her diamonds and white pearls." ~ Teyana Taylor

The Best of Both Worlds!
Diamonds and Pearls: Cartier

1 comment:

  1. I would love to own a diamond jewellery. I'm not engaged yet and my dream is to have a diamond engagement ring.

