
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Christmas Lights to Love!

This is the season for sharing!
So we found a few Christmas light displays online that we love and had to share!

These are simple but classic! 

This may not light up, but what an awesome idea for a centerpiece!

Cuddle up in this bed with a cup of hot chocolate!
Credit: Lockerz

A warm and cozy fireplace all decked out for Christmas!

Beautifully romantic photo!  
What a great use of light strands!

1 comment:

  1. oh that mr. modern photo-- love.

    Aloha Sweet Friend,
    Following ya now from the GFC hop.
    We are gathering for An Aloha Affair , a sweet sort of mingling and sharing and growing together. I would so love it if you'd join us. You will always be welcome, anytime. Save ya a seat?...

